komiksy ekonomiczne

English version

About The Project

The Economic Comics project is an innovative educational project organised since 2008 by Civil Development Forum together with WBK Western Bank and under the patronage of Polish Ministry of Education and the Centre for Development of Education. The aim of this project is to introduce economic concepts in an easy and colorful way that will be interesting for every reader, no matter his or her age.

Every edition of this project features a contest for the best comic together with a comprehensive lesson plan, based on chosen works, devised by experts for Social Studies, Business and Economics classes in school. The plans and comic books are recorded on CD’s and together with a paper copy of the comics, transferred free of charge to middle and high school teachers. Due to a friendly format, the students can understand how the economy really works. The comics show for example: the benefits of running a business, the good sides of savings and pros of creating good laws. They also explain a multitude of basic economic definitions. The teachers gain a chance to make their lessons more interesting and can explain, on easy examples, complex social and economic problems.

At the end of the edition, Civil Development Forum invites teachers from all over the nation to Warsaw for a scientific conference. Meanwhile, the employees, interns and volunteers of the Forum regularly, over the course of the year, run workshops that teach economics in schools all over Poland.


The Civil Development Forum in its mission of building a civil society does not forget about its youngest members. Based on the best economic comics, that are chosen in a yearly contest, lesson plans are made for schools.

However, the educational role of the Forum does not end here. Young, yet experienced team of expert educators meets with the youth all over Poland to transfer economic knowledge in an easy and understandable way. Our educators know and understand the problems of teaching economics, but thanks to an original and interesting approach, they quickly establish contact with their audience. During the classes, they use numerous different innovative strategies- from the economic comic books to short animations and simulation games. These lessons aim to show students that economics is an interesting subject and that it’s worth learning it, because each one of us is a part of a huge, marvelous machine- the free market.

The meetings are based on the practical aspects of using your knowledge and examples, including the ones from daily life. Furthermore, the lessons concern basic economic and financial terms and ideas (including public and private finances) that students might encounter later on in their lives. Thanks to these meetings, the youth might discover and understand complex issues and better understand the surrounding world.

The classes are aimed to students of the III and IV educational stage.  

Teacher! If you are interested in having us in your school, just contact the Project Coordinator, Jakub Przeździecki, through phone or mail:

Tel. +48 667 290 555

E-mail: [email protected]

Last year we visited numerous towns and cities all around Poland, travelled over 3000 km and conducted more than 100 workshops.

Here is where we have been in the 2015/2016 school year:

In some places, we had the pleasure of appearing more than once.

Below you can find some photos taken during our lessons.
